Our Goal is to make Nashville the model city
for inclusiveness by taking action to
create opportunities to grow prosperity for people of color.


  • Conversations started years ago in the business community. They focused on personal experiences about race, diversity and inclusion.
  • To build from this and explore ways to take action, a board was formed for idea generation.
  • We asked: If Nashville became the model city for inclusiveness, what would we have done? Ideas were brainstormed and ranked.
  • The priority: If economic prosperity can grow for people of color, this would affect all other areas of concern.
  • Our goal: To make Nashville the model city for equity and inclusiveness by taking action to create opportunities to grow prosperity for people of color.

Our members are part of the movement and ecosystem that takes action through:

  • Our members are part of the movement and ecosystem that takes action through:
  • Attending The Table meetings to interact with members not like themselves; promoting business relationships, understanding and unity.
  • Living The Table mission by opening doors, making introductions, mentoring and fostering business throughout all communities in Nashville.
  • Providing results stories demonstrating to Nashville The Table efforts are succeeding in creating prosperity.

“The Table captures the essence of diversity because it goes beyond the norm or the traditional definition of diversity i.e. race. The Table takes a 360 degrees inclusive approach into harnessing our differences into a celebration of our common goal of achieving equity.”

– Yomi Faparusi Sr.


At The Table member meetings, attendees will meet a diverse group of Nashville business leaders working toward this same goal. These leaders come with NEEDS and/or INTENTIONS toward the mission. Examples include:

“As I drove back from my first membership meeting at The Table, my eyes filled with tears and gratitude for being offered a seat at The Table. It has been hard to find a seat at the table in Nashville over the last 12 years, and today I felt intentionally included. It is this alignment of mission with action that makes The Table a one-of-a-kind organization! – Diana Sanchez-Vega

“From the moment I stepped in, I felt welcomed, and the energy was contagious. I was impressed by the candid and open dialogue and the intention of the organization to take action.” – Andre Lee

“The Table is a thoughtful opportunity to network and build meaningful relationships. During each meeting, members share their experiences and outcomes associated with meeting other members at The Table. It’s well worth the investment…both time and money.” – Paula Farmer

Table members share their personal mottos they created during an activity at a membership meeting.

Community Benefits of The Table

  • The Table is an organized hub in which all efforts can be communicated and expanded from
  • Working toward a solution beyond politics, creating safety and inclusiveness
  • Creating a “class of” go-to leaders in the community
  • Showcasing Nashville as a leader in a global issue that has gotten more polarizing instead of unified
  • Creating more economic opportunities for all

There are multiple ways for Table members to engage beyond the membership meetings. We have multiple initiatives such as:

  • Internship Program

    We have relationships with HBCUs and students.  Whether you are an intern looking for an internship, or a company wanting more interns of color, we can help. 

  • Table Extension Groups

    Our extension groups are working in specific areas to take action for change such as Corporate Boards, Procurement, or Talent and Development just to name a few.  See the full list here.

  • Member Resources

    We want you to know about services offered by our members! We provide lists of services such as DEI Services, Minority Owned Businesses, Nonprofits and more.

This is a member driven, grass-roots effort to bring together business individuals to discuss diversity, create relationships and take efforts through intentional activity to create opportunities to grow prosperity for minorities. We will make Nashville the model city for these efforts and with the long-term goal of making it global.